Tag Archive for: psychological stress

Asian woman talking to doctor about psychological stress

It is no secret that one’s physical health can make or break mental health. However, many do not realize that spinal alignment can contribute to emotional as well as psychological well-being. Therefore, something like chiropractic, a holistic approach that is focused on the function as well as health of the spine and nervous system, can be a real game changer. 

In line with this, when the spine is misaligned, it may translate to nerve compression as well as tension, which in the long run may have a negative impact on the whole nervous system. This issue can pave the way to stress as well as anxiety since the body is not functioning at an optimum level while being under constant pressure. 

Manila’s Stress Levels Explained 

In a 2021 study that was published in Philstar Global, the Philippines is among the world’s most stressful cities. On top of this, a separate study that was published in the same news outlet suggests that workplace stress among Filipinos is highest in Southeast Asia. It also added that Filipino employees ranked third (trailing Laos and Myanmar) when it comes to dealing with anger and second (behind Cambodia) when it comes to dealing with sadness. 

Putting the mentioned factors into consideration, it can be said that a holistic treatment in the mold of chiro in Manila can go a long way in helping Filipinos–particularly Manila dwellers–with regard to coping with psychological stress. 

How Does Chiropractic in Manila Help Address Psychological Stress

At its core, chiro care is involved in how the spine, joints, nerves, and general well-being work together. In line with this, when the spine is not appropriately aligned, it can hamper how nerves function. Here, a chiro doctor determines the said disruptions that may lead to a ton of ailments, particularly those that are related to stress. 

By rejuvenating spinal alignment and movement, a chiropractic adjustment can deliver the following: 

  • Loosen Tight Muscles 

When a person is stressed, the body often manifests it by means of tight muscles, especially in the upper body. In a lot of cases, the back, neck, and shoulders carry the weight of the said tension. 

Chiro adjustment, if done properly, can help ease stiffness. When this happens, patients can move better and experience less discomfort. That is because as soon as the spine is returned to its optimum position, the muscles can get rid of added and unnecessary tension. This level of physical relief can help the whole body relax. Allowing it to manage stress more effectively and efficiently. 

  • Enhanced Nerve Function

According to the American Psychological Association, stress affects the whole body, including the nervous system. One of the goals of a chiropractic adjustment is to fix spine subluxation, a condition wherein a vertebrae or bone is partially out of place. When this happens, nerve messages flow exquisitely between the brain as well as body, and stress is handled better. 

It is like finding the right balance between the body’s fight or flight mode. Simply put, appropriate spine alignment allows the body’s nervous system to shift between the said states with ease. This makes it easier to relax during tough and challenging situations. 

  • Encourages Good Sleep 

Good sleep is one of the most overlooked aspects of stress management. This is because it is the body’s way of repairing as well as rejuvenating itself. When people are stressed, getting ample sleep can be compromised. 

This is where chiropractic in Manila comes in. By easing discomfort and alleviating tight muscles, the nervous system can function at a heightened rate, making it easier to fall and, at the same time, stay asleep. In fact, many patients attest that they sleep more soundly after a session, which allows them to manage stress better. 

  • Promotes Relaxation 

Specific chiro care techniques that include but are not limited to chiropractic massage, soft adjustments, and so forth, can activate the body’s natural relaxation mechanisms. When this happens, a person can shift away from stress. This can lead to reduced blood pressure, slower heart rate, lower hormone levels. Such a transition can help certain people achieve a sense of calmness during stressful situations. 

What are Other Tips for Stress Reduction Alongside Chiro Care

To get the most out of chiro treatments, it is best to inject stress-reduction techniques into daily routines. Some of the most notable ones are elaborated below: 

  • Practice Deep Breathing 

Deep breathing can activate the body’s relaxation response and lay off tension. This is the reason why many doctors of chiropractic encourage their patients to practice deep breathing exercises following their appointments. 

  • Stay Active

Engaging in physical activities is heralded by many doctors as a powerful tool for stress management. It works as some sort of a stress-reliever in a number of ways. When “healthy movements” such as brisk walk, running, yoga, pilates, and the like are performed, the body is said to release endorphins or hormones that are known to boost mood, reduce stress, and relieve pain. 

  • Eat Healthy 

A well-balanced diet is essential when it comes to stress management. This is because it provides the body essential nutrients that it needs to function at an optimum level. When people consume nutritious food that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, good carbohydrates, B-vitamins, and others, the body’s natural stress-response is supported. 

For instance, many studies suggest that whole grains produce serotonin that is ideal for mood regulation, while green leafy vegetables as well as nuts such as walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, etc. can promote relaxation. 

Summing Up

As Manila continues to grow as well as evolve, the role of chiropractic in Manila when it comes to easing and managing psychological stress has become increasingly important. By addressing both physical as well as mental aspects of stress through holistic care, doctors of chiropractic can help residents maintain balance in their hustling and bustling lives. 

Putting the said factors into consideration, it can be said that chiropractic is a worthwhile form of treatment for individuals who are dealing with work-related stress, personal challenges, and environmental pressures, among others. Through regular treatment, patients may develop stress resilience and enjoy improved quality of life, among others. 

Don’t let stress impact your life. Book an appointment now take a significant step toward a calmer and healthier you.