Treating Muscle Weakness with Chiropractic
Youth to young adulthood is the stage of life always associated with adventure and high spirits, but premature muscle fatigue can change that definition. Weakened muscles may appear early and carry on, stealing thrill-packed journeys and reducing nimble productivity.
Tensions and stress in the musculoskeletal network limit movement and increase vulnerability to accidents like falls and slips, which can lead to worse conditions. The connection between muscle strength as a predictor of mortality is no longer just intuition, not anymore less than a practical observation. Solid evidence demonstrates that muscle quality is biologically linked to the rate of aging. Stronger muscle means a slower aging process and lower chances of developing age-related complications.
Non-surgical treatment, including chiropractic in Manila procedures, helps in restoring the strength and durability of the body’s framework. To appreciate the connection between chiro and musculoskeletal resilience, it is important to understand the different symptoms and manifestations of muscle weakness.
What is Muscle Weakness
Muscle weakness is a condition characterized by difficulty moving the body, restricting even simple everyday activities, due to frail muscle tissues. This can be the result of natural factors like age, but this can also stem from injuries, inflammatory conditions, or neuromuscular disorders such as the following:
Multiple sclerosis
Also called MS for short, this condition is a neurological disease that results in the deterioration of the myelin sheath, which is a protective layer that wraps around the nerves for insulation and fast travel of electric signals. This often leads to muscle weakness, especially on the dominant side of the body.
Bell’s palsy
This condition particularly affects the muscles in the face, restricting facial movements and even causing paralysis due to damaged nerves in the area. Symptoms can be temporary, but according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, gradual improvement is usually noticed after about two weeks, and within three months. Most people regain full motion and function of their face. However, if recovery is delayed, it is often accompanied by some form of abnormal facial function.
Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy usually appears as early as childhood and interferes with the patient’s ability to move and balance. This happens due to insufficient oxygen supply in the brain, resulting in muscle weakness, stiffness, and other problems with speech and sensation.
Muscular dystrophies
Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic neuromuscular diseases that cause the muscle to progressively weaken and lose its mass. Enfeebled muscles result in reduced motor function, difficulty walking, respiratory complications, and heart muscle disorders.
Cervical spondylosis
An arthritic condition, this disease is generally defined as the wear and tear in the cervical spine, which is located in the neck. Soft disks that cushion the bone and tissues deteriorate, causing pain and discomfort in the muscles when the neck is moved or rotated.
What Spinal Problems Contribute to Muscle Weakness
The procedure performed in treatments like chiropractic in Manila will let you understand further the link between spinal problems and muscle debilitation. A doctor of chiropractic will discuss certain neural network conditions that might be weighing down on your muscle.
Nerve compression
A problem in the spine results in compression of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system. When nerves sustain too much pressure, they bring sensations of numbness, pain, and tingling every time the muscle moves. Nerve compression is common in the wrist, which manifests as carpal tunnel syndrome, but it can also affect the lower limbs.
Altered Biomechanics
This refers to the change in the normal way the body moves and functions. Common causes include nerve damages and injuries that result in joint misalignment and muscle tears. Altered biomechanics render the human body incapable of moving properly and naturally as intended.
Compromised blood flow
Constricted blood vessels or blockages in the spine create a domino effect. Compromised circulation in the region means that as a crucial command post, the spine cannot deliver signals to the nerves and muscle tissues in the periphery, causing them to languish in their functions.
How Chiropractic Can Help in Addressing Muscle Weakness
Chiropractic procedures are performed and recommended for musculoskeletal relief. You can get a chiro in Manila to realign your spinal column and restore the function of deadened nerves and muscles.
Relieve Nerve Compression
Chiro restores and adjusts the spine to proper alignment, releasing nerve compressions that might have built up in the networks of the central and peripheral nervous systems. With unrestricted nerves, pain in the muscles is eliminated and range of motion goes back to normal.
Fix Biomechanics
The goal of chiropractic is restoration, especially of the spine alignment, to ensure that connecting nerves and corresponding muscle tissues in the periphery function properly and move in the intended manner. It is performed to counter muscle weakness and deterioration due to electric signals failing to reach their destination.
Increase blood flow
The supervised massage and exercise also improve blood flow. This ensures that neurons and muscles are well-supplied with nutrients needed to carry out their functions.
What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Muscle Weakness
Patients of various disorders that involve muscle fatigue, painful movement, and restricted motor functions prefer chiro because of a handful of benefits.
Non-Invasive and Drug-Free
Chiropractic doesn’t involve surgery or the use of medicines in treating chronic muscle pain. This eliminates the fear of going through an entire operation, the painstaking process of recovery, as well as incompatible medication. The treatment is simple, safe, and fast.
Improved Mobility
After a chiropractic treatment, the body’s range of motion will significantly improve. The restoration of the spine to proper alignment relieves compressed nerves and tightened muscles, which allows for better mobility, flexibility, and agility.
Pain Reduction
The absence of pressure in the nerve and muscle tissues allows the body to stretch, contract, bend, and move without cringing in pain. This way, you can perform essential daily activities and complete tasks comfortably.
Long-term benefits
After undergoing a chiropractic procedure, many people reported that they experienced improvements in their overall health and well-being. They felt healthier, stronger, and more confident in the activities they engaged in.
Summing up
Muscle weakness can affect anyone at any stage of life. As early as now, it’s better that you take care and listen to the needs of your body. Strong evidence has been found linking muscle strength with aging. That is, the stronger your muscles are, the slower you age. Spine realignment through chiro is a relaxing way toward relief and better range of movement.
Book an appointment now and visit us at Posture Perfect Chiropractic, our highly trained doctors can help you gain or restore the musculoskeletal stability so that you maintain a youthful posture, energy, and productivity.