Posture Problems That Can be Fixed by a Chiropractor
According to Medical News Today, poor posture that’s coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, can cause the back muscles to weaken or decondition. For instance, slouching in a chair over a table or desk can cause gradual strength loss in the said muscles. In the process, this can boost the probability of strains and other detrimental conditions.
Over time, poor posture can also heighten the curvature of the thoracic spine. If left untreated, this can lead to pain and discomfort. This is where a chiropractor for posture comes in. A highly trained and experienced one can fix the root of your posture problem. Consequently, this can increase confidence, improve mood, boost productivity, reduce injury risk, and so much more.
In line with this, it’s best to become acquainted with some of the most common posture problems out there. By doing so, you’d know if it’s time to visit a chiropractor and undergo treatment. Read on to find out more.
Posture problems that can be addressed by a chiropractor for posture
Forward head posture
Forward head posture, or FHP, is defined as a posture where the head is held out or in front of its natural position, which is on top of the cervical spine. If you have FHP, chances are, you tilt your head back to look forward.
This posture needs to be addressed ASAP because it strains the neck muscles and joints. Afterward, it can lead to muscle imbalances due to the fact that some muscles provide more support than others.
Why FHP needs to be fixed: FHP can heighten compressive loading on cervical spine tissues, particularly in the facet joints as well as ligaments. In turn, this can adversely impact static balance and respiratory function.
Rounded shoulders
Rounded shoulders, which also go by the term forward shoulder posture, is a condition in which a resting shoulder position is moved forward from the body’s natural and ideal alignment. Studies suggest that rounded shoulders are quite prevalent nowadays because many spend countless hours hunched over smartphones, smart tablets, laptops, and the like. In fact, it has become so rampant that it has been been coined text neck by many medical professionals and clinicians.
Why rounded shoulders need to be fixed: Taking rounded shoulders for granted can lead to weakened muscles. Sooner or later, a forward pull of the head may take place, causing the neck to become overloaded. In the long run, disc herniation and/or a hunchback figure may take place.
Putting the said factors into consideration, it’s best to undergo treatment from a chiropractor for posture so as to make sure that more serious issues won’t arise.
Bent knees when walking or standing
If you find yourself standing or walking with obvious bent knees, it’s likely caused by more serious biomechanical imbalances. As insignificant as it may seem, bear in mind that such posture patterns may stem from tightness as well as weaknesses throughout your body.
Some conditions that contribute to bent knees when walking or standing are as follows:
Weak glutes and core
Your glutes as well as core muscles are essential when it comes to stabilizing the pelvis and, therefore, keeping you upright. That said, weakness in the said body parts may lead to an anterior or forward tilt of the pelvis and put an inappropriate amount of strain on the knees.
Stiff hip flexors
Extended hours sitting down may cause the hip flexors or the muscles that are located in front of the hips to shorten. This tightness or stiffness may further disrupt pelvic alignment.
Tight hamstrings
Tight hamstrings can pull the lower leg and contribute to bent-knee posture.
Why bent knees when walking or standing need to be fixed: This issue needs to be fixed the soonest since failure to do so may contribute to back, neck, or hip pain. This may prompt you to use more energy and, therefore, more fatigued when walking or standing.
As we become older, slouching, inactivity, and other bad habits cause muscle fatigue as well as tension. This paves the way to posture complications that include a potbelly. It should be noted that it’s not about having excessive fat in the abdominal region but a posture imbalance that pretty much creates an illusion of one.
A potbelly is caused by the following:
Weak core muscles
The abs and the rest of the core muscles provide appropriate support to the spine as well as internal organs. When they become weak, the said muscles won’t be able to counteract an exaggerated lumbar curve.
Prolonged sitting
Spending long hours sitting and in a hunchback position can put your body in a compromised position. This can lead to the accumulation of tightness in the hip flexors, general muscle imbalance, and weak core muscles that lead to potbelly posture.
Why potbelly posture needs to be fixed: If potbelly posture is not addressed, it can lead to a variety of conditions that include chronic back pain, increased injury risk, and accelerated degeneration. In addition to all these, it can also pave the way to digestive issues, breathing difficulties, and reduced energy levels, among others.
How a chiropractor for posture can fix common posture problems
A chiropractor for posture can effectively, efficiently, and safely restore spinal health and musculoskeletal function. Here’s how he or she can help:
Thorough assessment
A chiropractor analyzes your posture from different angles, examining for imbalances such as the ones that were elaborated above.
Range of motion and flexibility test
A chiropractor tests your movement patterns to pinpoint tight or weak areas that contribute to poor posture.
Targeted spinal adjustments
A chiropractor uses gentle as well as precise adjustments that target misaligned joints. By performing them, proper alignment may be restored, and pressure on the nerves may be significantly reduced. This may eventually improve muscle function and, therefore, posture. Consequently, this can pave the way to improved overall health and well-being.
Address tightness and weakness
A chiropractor identifies and focuses on muscle imbalances via stretching, trigger point therapy, and massages. He or she also recommends specific exercises that can strengthen weak muscles.
So, if you’re asking, “Can I correct my posture with exercise?” The answer is yes, but they need to be approved by a chiropractor for posture. This is to ensure that their benefits are going to be enjoyed to their full potential and reduce the risk of injuries along the way.
Summing up
It should be noted that there’s more to good posture than meets the eye since body alignment has a direct connection to overall health. Here, becoming acquainted with posture issues is already half the battle if you want to optimize your fitness level and well-being.
Thankfully, there’s a chiropractor for posture at Posture Perfect who understands the said connection and possesses the knowledge and expertise that can help you unlock better health.
Book an appointment now and let our experts fix your posture problems.