Manage Your Curve and Find Scoliosis Relief with Help From a Chiropractor for Posture
According to the Scoliosis Research Society, there are approximately three million Filipinos who are affected by scoliosis. In simple terms, it is a condition that is characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. When viewed from behind, the spine or the backbone appears straight on average folks; however, individuals–even children and teens–that are affected by the said condition have S or C-shaped curves.
It is not the end of the world if you have scoliosis. This is because of the prevalence of medical advancements as well as holistic methods such as chiropractor for posture treatments. With regard to the latter, patients experience pain relief and improvements in overall body function by having their vertebrae’s curve–the most tilted one–adjusted.
By repositioning it back to alignment with the rest of the spinal cord, healthy curves are achieved. This, in turn, improves the whole spine’s biomechanics; while consequently fixing common posture issues such as the hunchback as well as forward head posture.
To appreciate the said holistic approach, let us take a closer look at the significant roles of chiropractors when it comes to treating scoliosis. Read on for details.
How a chiropractor for posture can aid in scoliosis treatment
Structural changes of the spine
In a lot of scoliosis cases, a chiropractor performs several adjustments to move the spine out of its abnormal alignment to achieve healthy curves. This form of treatment focuses on the whole spine. It includes the lumbar, which is the lowest part; the thoracic, which is the middle section; and the cervical, which is located beneath the head. Such an approach is essential because losing even one of its healthy curvatures can have a significant impact on its whole biomechanics.
As mentioned earlier, the said treatment works toward manipulating the spine’s curvature to move it to the right direction. Once achieved, a chiropractor for posture performs procedures that are geared toward supporting as well as stabilizing the backbone so as to sustain the benefits of chiropractic care. For best results, patients are advised to augment the said holistic regimen by incorporating other forms of medical interventions such as rehabilitation, therapy, and corrective bracing, among others.
Recentering the head
Recentering the head is another approach that is involved in chiropractic treatment for scoliosis. As insignificant as it may seem, it should be noted that it plays a key role in restoring the optimum curves of the spine.
Here, while a patient is sitting or lying down, spinal manipulations that are designed to deliver gentle yet precise pressure into the neck bones and joints are performed. In certain cases, a practitioner may utilize an adjustment instrument to effectively and efficiently carry out the said procedure. If correctly performed, it can bring the neck into the most appropriate position for pain relief and proper alignment.
For best results, alterations by means of gentle and quick thrusts are also applied on the back, hips, and other parts of the core. It should also be noted that this depends on the three-dimensional (3D) measurements of the spine that are determined from X-rays.
Utilize holistic and non-invasive methods
The treatments that a chiropractor for posture employs are holistic in nature. This means no drugs or medications are utilized in the process. Here, a practitioner analyzes how the whole body functions with the goal to allow it to heal itself by means of restoring optimum alignment to the spine, together with other joints.
In certain cases, a chiropractor may encourage the use of a back brace and other accessories that pull the spine so that it can delve away from the hunchback or forward head posture. The long list includes hammocks, pulleys, traction belts, and so on.
Furthermore, some chiropractors also encourage complementary treatments such as massages. It should be noted, though, that not all massages are created equal, and it is best to go for one that is performed by a highly experienced therapist. They may include a wide range of techniques like cranial sacral stimulation, neural relax therapy, and deep tissue manipulation, among others. This is in an effort to relax the muscles, improve blood circulation, release trigger points, and eventually bring an overall sense of pain relief.
Encourage post treatment exercises
Bear in mind that as a patient, you need to exert effort when it comes to post-chiropractic treatment for scoliosis. This, even after significant improvements when it comes to posture as well as pain relief have already been achieved. In line with this, your chiro may encourage you to perform at-home exercises to maintain adequate muscle support as well as flexibility for the backbone. These factors are essential when it comes to maintaining spine alignment and reducing discomfort.
By religiously performing post-treatment exercises and other similar activities, you can experience better long-term outcomes and, therefore, achieve relief from scoliosis symptoms for extended periods.
Important things to consider when seeking chiropractic treatment for scoliosis
When choosing to go to a chiropractor for posture for scoliosis treatment, it should be noted that there are important considerations that you should be mindful of. Some of the most notable ones are as follows:
Not a cure or stand-alone treatment
While the benefits of chiropractic treatment for scoliosis are undeniable, it should be noted that it is not a cure or stand-alone medical care. Therefore, it would be better if it is combined with other forms of doctor-approved intervention, which, in severe cases, may include surgery.
Severity matters
Chiropractic care, while it can still be beneficial for extreme cases of scoliosis, is generally seen as a complementary treatment for milder ones. That said, if you already have severe curvature, it is best to ask your chiro or orthopedic specialist for more intensive medical intervention.
The right chiro is essential
Working hand in hand with a chiropractor with extensive training and experience is essential when it comes to scoliosis treatment. Remember, conventional chiro methods may not be suitable for your condition.
Summing up
If you or your loved one is affected by scoliosis, it is safe to say that visiting a chiropractor for posture for holistic treatment is a worthwhile option that offers a ton of gains. Working with a qualified practitioner in the mold of Posture Perfect practitioners is the way to go.
Have questions about Posture Perfect’s chiropractic treatment for scoliosis? Send us a message, or better yet, book an appointment and visit us at one of our clinics. Our highly capable experts can take a look at your case and come up with a tailored approach that can help you achieve pain relief and go on with your daily tasks in a breeze.