Crack Corner
Understanding the Role of Chiropractic Massage Treatment for Neck Pain
Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal (related to muscles, bones, ligaments, joints, tendons, and cartilage) complaints of Filipinos. In fact, according to Frontiers in Neurology, in 2019, the Philippines had the highest age-standardized…
Improve Bone Health and Treat Osteoporosis with Chiropractic Massage
Bone health is a little something that many Filipinos take for granted. This should not be the case because it is vital, regardless of age. In line with this, it should be noted that our skeletal system is more than just a framework. It…
How Chiropractic Massage Can Help Treat Neuropathy and Other Nerve Issues
Nerve damage, also known as neuropathy, is a debilitating and widespread ailment that affects millions of people across the globe. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 2.4% of the world’s population is affected by it and in the 45-years-old…
Hip Health, Hip Fractures, and the Role of Chiropractic Massage Treatment
The hips are joints that are often taken for granted. This should not be the case because they play a key role in achieving optimum range of motion. Such function is essential with regard to performing everyday activities that include sitting,…
Pregnant and in Pain? Visit a Chiropractor for Posture and be Pain-Free
Pregnancy, in general, is a time of immense excitement, anticipation, and everything in between. However, it also comes with a nagging companion: back pain. Worldwide, it is quite common among child-bearing women. This is according to a study…
Manage Your Curve and Find Scoliosis Relief with Help From a Chiropractor for Posture
According to the Scoliosis Research Society, there are approximately three million Filipinos who are affected by scoliosis. In simple terms, it is a condition that is characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. When viewed from behind,…
Chiropractor for Posture: Boosting Athleticism Through Better Breathing
Sports are inherent among countless Filipinos. In fact, it is safe to say that the profound devotion of many to sports instill values that are imperative to those who want to push themselves to the limit and go beyond it. Putting the said factors…
Chiropractic Massage: Improving Health and Helping Mothers Thrive in Modern Society
In the Philippines, mothers are given the label, “Ang Ilaw ng Tahanan,” or “The Light of the House.” This, to honor the love, warmth, generosity, and guidance that these strong women bring to the family. Despite technological advancements…
Optimize Ergonomics and Your Well-being with Help from a Chiropractor for Posture
With the COVID-19 situation improving, the Philippines is showing a significant shift to adapt to “new normal” changes, with many individuals sticking to work-from-home (WFH) arrangements. In fact, according to Jobstreet’s 2022 report,…
Health Risks of Poor Posture that a Chiropractor for Posture Can Address
Philippines, we have a posture problem. Regardless of whether it is a result of sitting all day for work, prolonged use of smart gadgets, lounging on the couch, the said issue is affecting a myriad of Filipinos. Because of this predicament,…
Sitting Posture and Self Confidence: The Chiropractic Connection
Sitting is generally a harmless activity, but the way we sit can have a profound impact, not only on our well-being, but also on our self-image. That’s because as it turns out, good sitting posture is not just good for physical health; it’s…
Posture Problems That Can be Fixed by a Chiropractor
According to Medical News Today, poor posture that’s coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, can cause the back muscles to weaken or decondition. For instance, slouching in a chair over a table or desk can cause gradual strength loss in the said…