As more and more Filipinos seek holistic treatments for pain management and overall wellness, chiropractic therapy is steadily gaining popularity across the Philippines. While many Filipinos regularly visit chiropractors, questions about its safety remain common among new and potential patients.

This write-up takes an in-depth look at the safety of chiropractic treatment, potential risks, and key considerations you should know before undergoing this form of holistic care.

What is chiropractic therapy?

The National Cancer Institute defines chiropractic therapy as a treatment in which hands are used to manipulate the spine or other joints in the body. In some cases, it may also involve heat and ice therapy, relaxation techniques, specific exercises, and other non-drug-based treatments. Generally, this form of therapy addresses conditions such as back pain, neck discomfort, headaches, and foot problems.

Chiropractors perform specialized techniques to correct subluxation or the partial dislocation of two connected joints. When performed correctly, these adjustments can align the musculoskeletal system, allowing the body to tap into its natural healing abilities without surgery or medication.

Who might benefit from chiropractic care?

In general, chiropractic offers several potential benefits for individuals who are dealing with a range of conditions and lifestyle changes.  However, certain groups of people may particularly benefit from this holistic approach:

Patients with neck, back, or knee pain

Chronic pain in the neck, back, or knees is a common issue affecting millions worldwide. Left untreated, it can limit mobility, reduce quality of life, and even lead to mental health challenges.

The good news is that the growing body of scientific and clinical evidence supports chiropractic therapy as an effective and efficient treatment for musculoskeletal pain. When performed by a certified chiropractor, patients often experience lasting relief, improved function, and enhanced mobility. Consulting a reputable chiropractor may be the first step toward recovery.

Patients with sports injuries

Athletes, weekend warriors, and regular exercisers, among others encounter injuries that have a significant impact on their performance and fitness levels. Chiro care has become one of the most highly sought-after treatment options in sports medicine. This is because of the fact that it offers both therapeutic as well as preventive benefits for individuals who regularly engage in strenuous physical activities and deal with various injuries. 

Endurance athletes like runners, cyclists, and triathletes undergo chiropractic adjustments to address biomechanical issues that hinder performance. Regular spinal adjustments can help maintain optimum alignment which is crucial when it comes to achieving efficient movement patterns. This, in turn, can lead to optimized energy expenditure, especially during long or extensive training sessions and competitions. 

In addition to treating injuries, chiropractors collaborate with athletes to prevent future problems by enhancing strength, flexibility, and body awareness. This preventive approach reduces the risk of common sports injuries, speeds up recovery, and optimizes energy use.

Patients with whiplash injuries

Whiplash injuries take place when the head is suddenly forced forward and backward rapidly. This movement can create a rapid extension as well as flexion movement of the neck, leading to ligament damage, muscle strain, and vertebral injuries in the neck. Globally, the annual incidence of symptomatic ranges from 16 to 200 per 100,000 people. 

A number of studies suggest that prompt intervention in the form of chiropractic treatment can significantly boost recovery outcomes for whiplash injury patients. To achieve this, chiropractors perform spinal manipulation to restore alignment as well as mobility to the cervical spine. Soft tissue chiropractic therapy may also be performed to address ligament damage as well as muscle strain. This may include chiropractic massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy to promote the healing of the damaged tissues and reduce inflammation.

Patients with overuse injuries

Overuse injuries AKA repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are ailments that may develop gradually due to repetitive motions, poor posture, or excessive training without proper recovery. 

Chiropractic care offers a comprehensive approach to treating and preventing overuse injuries by addressing soft tissue dysfunction, biomechanical issues, and movement patterns. It places a strong emphasis on patient education and preventive measures. Chiropractors help patients recover from existing injuries while simultaneously reducing the risk of future ones through proper diagnosis, ongoing management strategies, and targeted treatments.

Patients with scoliosis

According to a study published by the Philippine Orthopedic Center, at present, 3 million Filipinos are living with scoliosis. It is a medical condition that is characterized by an irregular lateral curvature of the spine, which may range from mild to severe. If left untreated, it may lead to various health concerns, including physical deformity, organ damage, breathing difficulties, muscle imbalance, and heart problems.

Chiropractic care can offer a myriad of potential benefits for those with scoliosis. Bear in mind, however, that the holistic approach cannot cure the said condition, it can only alleviate its symptoms. In turn, this can allow individuals with the said condition to improve their way of living. A primary benefit is pain relief. Those with scoliosis may experience back pain and discomfort, and spinal adjustments that are complemented by soft tissue therapies may help address the said symptoms. Along the way, it can also reduce muscle tension and improve joint mobility. 

By addressing the aforementioned issues, some patients may experience improvements in their overall posture and balance. Here, improved mobility and flexibility are crucial since they may relieve muscle tension. These may promote optimum spinal alignment, reduce pain, and neutralize the ill effects of spinal curvature by extending tight muscles on one side of the body. Consequently, this may improve posture and the spine’s range of motion. 

When opting for the said treatment, it is important to note that the effectiveness of chiropractic therapy for scoliosis depends on the severity of the curve, age, and overall well-being. In line with this, patients with the said ailment should consult with a medical doctor and a chiropractor who has vast experience treating the said condition. This is essential since this approach can help determine if going the chiro route is appropriate. 

What are the common side effects of chiropractic treatment?

Like any other form of treatment, chiropractic care comes with potential side effects, and understanding them is essential for anyone considering this holistic approach. While the benefits of chiropractic therapy are well-documented, it’s important to be aware of possible reactions. This knowledge can help set realistic expectations and promote successful outcomes.

The most common side effects of chiropractic care are generally mild and short-lived. They may include:

Muscle soreness

Mild muscle soreness or stiffness is a common side effect of chiropractic treatment. It can be compared to the sensation felt after a workout. This soreness typically occurs within 24 to 48 hours and is often due to muscles adapting to the manipulations and stretches performed during treatment.


Chiropractic adjustments can enhance blood flow to the head; potentially causing headaches for certain people. This side effect is usually temporary and usually disappears after a couple of hours.


Less than 5% of individuals who undergo chiropractic treatment experience dizziness. This is probably caused by the alignment of the spine, which may trigger a minor shock to the nervous system. It may also result in slight dizziness, sometimes occurring immediately after the treatment. Bear in mind that this typically resolves quickly.

Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve occurs when surrounding tissues place excessive pressure on a nerve, disrupting its normal function. This pressure can cause pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness. Although rare, a pinched nerve is a possible complication of spinal manipulation. Understanding its risks and warning signs is important to ensure safer and more effective treatment outcomes.

What to Consider When Choosing a Chiropractor

Taking the time to find a skilled, qualified chiropractor you are comfortable with increases the likelihood of having a safe and positive experience with chiropractic care. Along the way, it is best to take note of the following:

Licensing and credentials

On the one hand, when it comes to chiropractic and other forms of treatment—regardless of whether it is holistic or medical—licensing does not guarantee a successful outcome. On the other hand, it establishes a baseline level of competence as well as accountability. Simply put, it can be said that licensing is arguably the first step in finding a qualified and trustworthy chiropractor. It ensures that the practitioner has met the minimum educational and professional standards required to safely perform chiropractic care.


Experience is crucial for safety due to the complex nature of spinal adjustments. A seasoned chiropractor possesses extensive anatomical knowledge, enabling them to understand how different ailments require specialized techniques and how variations may affect treatment results. Their years of practice refine their ability to deliver precise force at specific angles during adjustments.

This expertise is vital for risk assessment and safety management. Additionally, an experienced chiropractic practitioner is likely to have encountered various complications, allowing them to quickly identify contraindications where treatment may be risky or pinpoint red flags that require medical intervention. Their refined treatment methods—developed through years of practice—give them better control during adjustments. This reduces the risk of adverse effects, boosting safety without compromising effectiveness, efficiency, or any of the essential outcomes. Moreover, their experience allows them to adapt techniques to suit individual patient needs, enhancing the likelihood of achieving positive results while minimizing discomfort.

Patient reviews and testimonials

Patient reviews and testimonials are some of the most overlooked prerequisites for chiropractic safety. This should not be the case for several reasons. For one, personal accounts from past patients can reveal crucial insights into a practitioner’s approach, effectiveness, and overall level of patient care—factors that may not be evident from credentials alone. In a vast majority of cases, firsthand experiences demonstrate how a practitioner manages complex cases, upholds a consistent standard, and communicates effectively with patients.

Proper communication 

When it comes to chiropractic practice, proper communication is not just about customer care—it is also essential for patient safety. Additionally, it serves as a safety tool that protects both the patient and the chiropractor. Simply put, by maintaining open and consistent communication channels, a chiropractor can deliver safer and more effective treatment. Along the way, this communication builds trust and helps ensure optimal outcomes for patients.

Summing up

Chiropractic therapy can be a safe, effective, and efficient approach to managing musculoskeletal conditions for a significant number of patients across the Philippines and elsewhere. This holistic approach has established a reputation for delivering relief from conditions such as back pain, neck discomfort, and headaches, among others.

In line with this, while mild side effects are common, serious complications are rare. By gaining a clear understanding of the benefits of chiropractic treatment, common side effects, and factors to consider before treatment, patients can make well-informed decisions.

At Posture Perfect Chiropractic, the safety and health of our patients are our top priorities. We understand that you may have concerns about chiropractic safety. Rest assured that our highly trained and experienced chiropractors are fully capable of delivering effective, efficient, and safe spinal manipulation techniques.

Book an appointment now and find out for yourself how Posture Perfect Chiropractic made a name for ourselves when it comes to efficacy and safety.

Chiropractic Safety Frequently Asked Questions

How common are chiropractic injuries in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, extensive data on chiropractic injuries is not readily available. Reports, however, highlight concerns about potential risks due to the prevalence of unlicensed and untrained practitioners, particularly bone setters. This risk is especially widespread among patients with pre-existing conditions such as osteoporosis or vertebral artery issues.

Are chiropractic results permanent?

In general, the benefits of chiropractic care are temporary. The duration of results varies from person to person and may depend on factors such as the severity of the condition, the patient’s age, and overall fitness level.

How do I know if I need a chiropractor?

Many patients choose chiropractic therapy for symptoms such as chronic pain, fatigue, muscle aches, tingling, and numbness.

How often is it OK to visit a chiropractor?

When starting chiropractic treatment, it is common to undergo adjustments two to three times per week. As your body begins to heal, this frequency may be reduced to once per week. Once you have achieved your health goals, you may only need maintenance sessions once a month or as needed.